Monday, August 31, 2020

I Have Faith

The more I discuss politics with those that are educated, the more I feel like that there is a glimmer of hope.  Yet, there is also a glimmer of fear. It is amazing to me what politicians will do to stir up trouble, hence all our riots and racial turmoil.  I say again this, you need to open your eyes.  It is like you are being blinded from the truth that is right before your eyes.   What truth you ask? If I have to tell you, you are not ready to hear it. 

Take a step back and really look at the bigger picture.  When did we all become so unreasonable and mean spirited?  It has been coming for awhile, the shift in energy started years ago and I have felt it grow stronger each year.  I for one have faith and hope, even if it doesn't always feel that way.   

I pray for our country!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

I am Awake

Do you know what is exhausting?  Finding a way each and every day to convince yourself that all is OK.  It is exhausting trying to figure out your place in the scheme of things.  It is exhausting constantly battling your own inner thoughts.  It is exhausting knowing things and unable to share them because of the repercussions.  Life of an empath I guess but it is more than that.  Let me tell you a little something you may not be aware of, you can't hind anything from me because chances are what you're trying to hide, I am already aware of.  That in itself is very exhausting.  It is exhausting fighting but it is making me strong, so I'll take it!  I am awake!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Dumb Things

It is funny that at my age you would think that my "oats were sowed" and that I had all the rebellious, wild child out of me.  Apparently, with me that is just not the case.  The more turmoil I have surrounding me, the feistier I become.   When I go out listening to music and dancing, I tend to go overboard just a bit.  The hangover I had recently, I felt it for a week.  Barely remember a thing but you know what, I must have needed it.  I would count that incident as one of my dumb things because of my lack of memory of that night. 

Speaking of dumb things, the universe is filled to capacity right now but with people.  It is kind of rude to title this post Dumb Things and People, so I just left it at Dumb Things.  Some dumb things that I've noticed so much lately, is the inability for the truth to be taken seriously.  People will believe just about everything but the truth.  

My last dumb thing, trusting someone would be honest with me and he wasn't.  I deliberately baited him to tell me the truth but he did not.  Dumb thing on his part.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Glorious Smiles

From the very first shoot with these two, it was apparent that talent and beauty were mixed in with intelligence and drive.  Both these young ladies are the most fun to work with and their youthful exuberance was infectious.  Each shoot, they strive to be the best they can be and it pushes me to perfect my trade.  Looking forward to many more shoots with these twins!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My Freedom of Speech

If we hide behind our fears and allow, let’s call it for what it is, domestic terrorists to control us....they will win. The majority of the people are not for what’s happening. It is hard to stand up for what’s right. Especially nowadays when everything you do is scrutinized. People have lost friends and jobs because of the crisis we are undergoing. Freedom of speech, if spoken in a manner that’s not degrading or disrespectful to any person, should not be something that we are punished for. And nobody else should be allowed to interfere with someone's life both professionally and personally if they disagree. Right now I’m exerting my freedom of speech rights by speaking what’s on my mind and whether people disagree or agree, my goal is not to create discord. I simply am stating that we are allowing this to happen as a nation and I really wish there something we could do collectively to put a stop to this. Most of you know me and what kind of person I am and you know I have a lot of love for everybody regardless of who they are. Just remember this when you are afraid to speak up and protect your rights, the cowardly feed on fear and anybody that pushes and terrorizes another person is a coward to me. If you push back and they will eventually stop, but push back with respect and love whether it is deserved or not. You are showing that you will not stoop to their level. They’re just big bullies plain and simple. Think of how you deal with bullies in real life, some of them just need to be put in their place. And the sad thing about a lot of this is that there’s so much brainwashing going on with social media and the media itself. Do not feed into that crowd mentality, do not believe everything that is posted and do not assume you know everything about a situation. If you were not there, you do not know anything. I'm tired of living in fear of saying what I'm thinking. I even created a private group so I could speak my mind. I've decided I do not care anymore. I'm more than happy to clear out my profile of people that do not have any respect for other's opinions.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Flickering Light

The energy level in the world is so overpowering to me, it is hard to stay focused on the task at hand. Feels like I am lost in my own mind and the voices of everyone around me invades my peace of mind.  I am in utter disbelief at how people are acting and I can only think that this is it.  What it is, well that is not up for me to say.  My job is that I am supposed to spread the word and be the light in darkness but sometimes that light flickers, right now I feel like mine is flickering.  It is a battle of evil in the world right now and all I want to do is to escape reality, if only for a day.  The need to let my hair down, drink some whiskey and dance the night away calls to me now more than ever.  When all that frustration is out of my system, then maybe I will have cleared all that negative out and can once again shine.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Crazy World

To even begin to delve into what my mind is seeing and the crazy world around us, would be insanity.  There are things that I have to get off of my chest because I need to say it.   I am thoroughly disgusted by cities that are allowing these terrorist groups, yes terrorist, to take over the city.  Any group of person that engages in activity that threatens the physical well being of another human being and properties, is a terrorist.  Do you realize that by allowing this, you are opening us up to Civil War?  These groups have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce and tear America up.   When did we become a bunch of cowards who bow down to pressure by a group or person because you don't want to offend them.  Grow a set please, seriously frustrated right now.

There should be no separation of races into groups, none.  We should all come together as Americans, as we do live in America the last time that I checked.  If you want a socialist/communist country, we've got China, pick.  We have the country with the most opportunities and we still want more.  What a selfish, unrealistic, self entitled, spoiled rotten group of people we have living here.  You give them what they want growing up, they want more.  Greed is what it is.

I don't know what to think. Are we in the start of Revelations?  We have all the signs of it.  Morality is at an all time low.  Pornography is rampant everywhere.  Hate, sex, exclusion of religion in schools..we are taking God out of everything.   I am disgusted but I can tell you this, it's not going to get better. We will be lulled into a sense of peace and happiness for a short while before all Hell breaks loose.

This virus, it's real but there was no reason for us to close the Country. We should have closed our borders sooner but we should not have closed our country.  The depression and suicide rate is high, so is the muder ratio.  What do you think is going to happen in a week or so when all those people who collected that unemployment can no longer do so?  

Lock and load people, lock and load...and pray!