To even begin to delve into what my mind is seeing and the crazy world around us, would be insanity. There are things that I have to get off of my chest because I need to say it. I am thoroughly disgusted by cities that are allowing these terrorist groups, yes terrorist, to take over the city. Any group of person that engages in activity that threatens the physical well being of another human being and properties, is a terrorist. Do you realize that by allowing this, you are opening us up to Civil War? These groups have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce and tear America up. When did we become a bunch of cowards who bow down to pressure by a group or person because you don't want to offend them. Grow a set please, seriously frustrated right now.
There should be no separation of races into groups, none. We should all come together as Americans, as we do live in America the last time that I checked. If you want a socialist/communist country, we've got China, pick. We have the country with the most opportunities and we still want more. What a selfish, unrealistic, self entitled, spoiled rotten group of people we have living here. You give them what they want growing up, they want more. Greed is what it is.
I don't know what to think. Are we in the start of Revelations? We have all the signs of it. Morality is at an all time low. Pornography is rampant everywhere. Hate, sex, exclusion of religion in schools..we are taking God out of everything. I am disgusted but I can tell you this, it's not going to get better. We will be lulled into a sense of peace and happiness for a short while before all Hell breaks loose.
This virus, it's real but there was no reason for us to close the Country. We should have closed our borders sooner but we should not have closed our country. The depression and suicide rate is high, so is the muder ratio. What do you think is going to happen in a week or so when all those people who collected that unemployment can no longer do so?
Lock and load people, lock and load...and pray!