I was shopping at Target one day and I passed by the little girls section and I was appalled. Being modesty but not a prude, I was dismayed by the clothing being sold to little girls. Crop tops and short shorts was among the many items of clothing. Never in a million years would I allow my children to dress like that and I sure am not going to let my grandkids dress like that.
There are movements happening even in our schools around the country, students protesting dress code. They really have no idea why we have dress code and it is not really what they think. Growing up poor, I would of loved the opportunity to not be singled out for how poor I was, I would have loved a $5.00 t-shirt. Not having access to a laundry machine because I had no money during my high school years, I hand washed my clothes. I was an outcast in my high school days. The kids that have school shirts now who were like me, are grateful for them. It is a sense of pride, at least that's how I feel, when I see all the students wearing school shirts around town and at school. I'm like "Wow, school spirit" but these kids are making it about how they should be allowed to express themselves.
There are ways to express yourself eloquently and respectfully, school is not for dressing like you're at the beach. I have seen many students express themselves with the school shirts and it's great. No one is trying to stifle your creative and self expression. Very rarely do kids get pulled out of class for non school shirts, it is mostly during passing so it does not really interfere with your education. Do you know what does? The complete disrespect when being politely asked to get a school shirt, wear appropriate shorts and pants. Just do as asked and all will go smooth. It is the questioning of everything is why a student gets into trouble.
As adults we need to set better examples for our children. I didn't let my children watch in appropriate movies growing up and I always watched that I did not curse in front of them. They had rules and chores and they were not allowed to be disrespectful and talk back. They were allowed to express their feelings and what was wrong but they had to go to their rooms and calm down first.
Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, idomitable spirit, modesty and faith!
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